That’s what we do here!
We imagine.......we create objects that command the eye. That stimulates excitement and longs to be touched. Objects that exalt our ideas and ideals. From the playful to the profound. No subject is more interesting than when masterfully fashioned in glass or crystal.
John Morrison, who founded Cornerstone Glassworks in 1988 was born to, one day, focus his unbridled creativity on the fabrication of commercial and residential art glass. From amazing trophies and awards to exotic furnishings for the home. From unique structural embellishments to sculpture, to simple decor. John specializes in the unique! If you are charged with finding a way to award a rare talent or over-achiever, call on Cornerstone Glassworks to create a never-before seen glass or crystal monument to convey their worth. If you want your home to be remembered by those who visit, as unforgettable, call John. And contact him today. It’s never too early to start dreaming and planning.